Vocabulary for IELTS - Chủ đề "Advertising'

Bài viết này chia sẻ cho các bạn vocab ( từ vựng) được sử dụng nhiều trong bài thi IELTS chủ đề Advertising. Một trong những chủ đề phổ biến trong thi IELTS. Chính vì vậy từ vựng về chủ đề này nhất định các bạn không thể bỏ qua nhé!

This lesson focuses on essential advertising vocabulary. There is also an audio so you can listen to how the words are pronounced. At the boӡom of the page, is some practice exercises to learn how to use these words correctly. Advertising is a common topic in both IELTS speaking and writing task 2, so you must learn all the basic vocabulary to be able to talk and write on this topic.
This lesson contains a lot of vocabulary. Take your time to learn the words and practice your pronunciation. There is an audio under each table for pronunciation practice.
Forms of the word:
ad (n)
advert (n)
advertise (vb)
advertising (v+ing)
advertisement (n) (there are two different pronunciation – UK and USA)

Main Types of Anvertisements:
TV Commercial
Promotion of products and services using colour, action, sound and sight. These are memorabale and accessible to a larger market. They are good to show how something works and can be persuaive.
Newpaper ad
These adverts can eitther be national or local. They are placed in particualar sections in the newspaper.
Magazin ads
These are aimed at a specific market and interrest group. The ads are colourful and eye-catchinh but can be more expensive than newspaper ads.
These often signs on the road or at sports stadiums. Large billboards can give a messeage with impact but with limited information.

Other Types of Advertisements:
Direct Mail
Letters and adverts are sent directly to customers. This a direct approach with a select audience.
Radio advertising
This approach reachs a target audience and relies on them listening to a particular station. However, the messeage can easily be forgotten.
Text messages
These promtion reach a target audience in real-time but they have a limited number of characters in the text.
Internet Pop-ups
They can impact a viewer and allow them easy access to the product. However, the can be annoying, intrusive and some even crash the system.
Email Advertising
Direct advertsing to the customer. It is cost effective as long as the customer database is up-to-date.
Small flyers with printed information handed out to customers face to face. They can be attractive and informative but also costly.

More Types of Advertising:

Transit advertising
These are usually posters on train, buses, taxis and undergound railways.

Covert Advertising
This when a product or brand is incorporated into a movie or TV show. It is not commer advertising, it is subtle advertising. For example, Jame Bond drives a BMW.
Acompany sponsors an event or entity in return for recognition of the brand or product. For example, companies funding schools or sporting events in return for them using their equipment.
This involves promote and selling over the phone. This offers direct contact with the customer but can be intrusive if it is a “cold-call”, which means an unasked for call.
Celebrity Endorsement
A celebrity is paid to promote and market a product though TV ads or event appearances. This can be effective as it is high profile but it does rely on the celebrity image remaining constant and popular.

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